I am a first born first generation American Mexican My name derives from my father’s mother María Magdalena and my mother’s mother Carmen My mother wanted Mayan moon goddess Itzel or Hebrew princess Sarah names with roots other than our own No one in my family calls me by my first name María a Latin Hebrew name for sea of bitterness, rebellion My family only calls me by my middle name Carmen a Spanish Latin name for ...
How funny are my kids today like when they were toddlers on my cellphone videos their laughter high pitched here I sit remembering happiness I’m tired of only focusing on their tantrums they love me even when I’m mad all I want is to have conversations with them where they divulge their thoughts and feelings and I nod understanding them annoying, overwhelming, tantrums are a sign of needing to release thoughts that trigger feelings—two things that always go together— and when the thoughts that trigger the feelings are known we can discuss a way to work through them and then for the rest of the day (what a virtual day) I can remember that tantrum and think the kids aren’t so bratty after all where is Angelina Jolie shopping at Target with her kids and Jon Voight at home waiting for a call from CBS outside my window people walk around without facemasks wondering if they will be gawked by face-maskers Palmer Park is filled with runners, walkers, and people swinging on over-complicated sin...