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Me, You, and Evals

My name is Mary. 5'3, medium brown hair that frizzes in the warmth. I like my shirts button to the top. Sometimes, I add my own bow made of left over ribbon from old gowns. My skirts are long and full. Its gets a little difficult for me to walk around when I need to get somewhere quickly but I really enjoy the sweeping movement it makes when I walk. Its as though I'm gliding.

"Hi Mary".
Its James.
"Hi", I say shyly. I hope he doesn't notice my skin melting.
"What is it you are writing? I always see you with your notebook and pen at hand. I thought I could sneak up to you this time to figure it out". Oh, that smile. Its so mischievious as if he knew his presence makes my pits sweat and my arms jiggle.
"Just notes," I say. "But I must be on my way!" I say ratherly loudly and before he can object I walk in to the mist of morning traffic on Fletcher Street. I don't dare look back for fear he may be staring at me. Plus, I really did need to leave and get to the Tavern to start my shift.
Molly owns the place. She's a robost woman with dipped red-orange curls of fire that flow beautifully on her freckaled face. She always passes through to greet all the workers.
"Hi Sally, I need two yards of the brown pages and a couple of the tweezer tools."
"You working on the same mannequin today? or do you need a new one?, "Sally says, as she passes me a role of recycled brown paper and a caddy filled with brushes, pencils, and paints.
"Same," I tell her. "Thank you"
I have a special job in the Tavern, though I am not the only one with a special position. I am one of about 300 employees that uses their artistic or meticullious or spontanious talents to create works of art and accessibility. In Rogers Square, there are 300 businesses that are in charge of creating works that represent the town as a whole. Without proper representation, our town can lose funds or worse, become an empty machine that chains workers minds to illuminated screens. Can you imagine losing all sense of creation? That is why we work hard on making our Me You Evals. Our creations are representions of the " daily life". Every year our towns are evaluated by the Prime Minister. These evaluations are then given to the Head of House who will randomly chose works from each town to evaluate the progress of that particular town. It's a little difficult to explain it to an outsider and since I am sure whoever reads this, if I ever decide to let anyone read it, will already know how our county works. Point is, if we create and we will flourish.


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