It wasn't until last summer
that i felt the need to write down
my mother's and father's personal stories
It wasn't until last week
that i felt the value in each
individual piece
I don't feel value
in my other pieces or my work
at my office job which helps
so many people
but what is the value of a life lived
in Chicago, as a woman, as a brown woman
as a woman who labels herself
Mexican and chubby
is it only up to me to build this
value, to build it inside of me
so that others can feel then see
that i do belong here
that my words belong
on this page for you
to read
that i felt the need to write down
my mother's and father's personal stories
It wasn't until last week
that i felt the value in each
individual piece
I don't feel value
in my other pieces or my work
at my office job which helps
so many people
but what is the value of a life lived
in Chicago, as a woman, as a brown woman
as a woman who labels herself
Mexican and chubby
is it only up to me to build this
value, to build it inside of me
so that others can feel then see
that i do belong here
that my words belong
on this page for you
to read